For those of you with commitment issues, you can now safely and confidently express your style and individuality without the risks of permanent body modification. Cheater brand gauges are gender neutral and cater to all ages. With Cheater brand, there's no need to sit through the pain and discomfort of prototypical gauging. Simply insert your "Cheater" into your already pierced ears and voila! You'll have no long and tedious healing process with possibility of infection; no blood, no blowouts, and definitely no possibility of "points of no return"!

No need to "stretch" your ears!" Simply choose your style for the day, untwist, insert, gently twist to secure and you're ready. Get the Look; Skip the Consequence!

*Be careful to not over twist the filament screw thread as it will damage your new Cheater Illusion Style Gauge Earring

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